This model is meant as a simple test scene with a variety of UsdPreviewSurface 2.4 materials and other USD elements, such as a camera and two light sources (not visible by default). There are two versions: 1 meter blocks and 10 cm blocks for viewing on phones, etc.
Clockwise from “12 o’clock”: diamond block, iron block, gold block, fern, prismarine, sunflower, purple stained glass, rails, chiseled quartz block atop quartz pillar, piston, and in the middle is lava.
Note: here and further on, you can click on the image to see the full resolution version, which may be scaled down to fit on this README page.
This model was generated by laying down a few blocks in Classic (Java) Minecraft, then using Mineways to export the model to USDA format. The JG-RTX resource pack, released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, is used at a resolution of 256x256 textures for the surfaces. Textures are of five possible types:
The McUsd.usda file is provided so that it is simple to examine the lights, camera, and model itself. As USD uses a film-industry specification, it is not obvious wha the camera’s field of view is. The camera in McUsd has a field of view of 60 degrees horizontally, almost 36 degrees vertically. It is also specified in
Near the top of the file is the line:
double3 xformOp:scale = (100, 100, 100)
By default USD uses centimeters as its units. Minecraft blocks are 1 meter “in real life”, so this scale setting makes it so that the meshes are properly meters. Doing so saves having a lot of zeroes in the USDA file.
Note that the USD “metersPerUnit” could have been set from the default of 0.01 to 1, but doing so can lead to a camera specification issue.
For now, the distant Sun light and environment DomeLight are set in this file to be invisible at the start. They have been given intensity values that work well for NVIDIA’s USD Composer. For viewing in UsdView, change the Sun intensity from 1560 to about 30000 and the DomeLight intensity from 32 to 0.2.
Currently the UsdLux and related light specifications use a film-related relative pair of values, “exponent and intensity”, not tied to any physical units. See, for example, this light comparison page showing how different renderers respond differently to lights. Lighting in USD looks to evolve to something providing a more physically based specification, which will help improve model interchange among applications.
Another element not fully specified for the UsdPreviewSurface material is the full meaning of the “emissiveColor”. As of Version 2.4 it is minimally specified as the “Emissive component.” There are two questions that affect rendering: 1) how does an object with an emissive color appear when directly viewed? and 2) how does this emission color work with other lights?
For the first question, one idea is to say that the emissiveColor should be treated as a fixed color for the surface, the color that is always shown. However, USD has an elaborate camera model, including an exposure attribute, which implies that the appearance of the light should change as the exposure changes.
For both questions, in McUsd the emissive lava_still and lava_flow textures are scaled by a factor of 20:
def Shader “emissive_texture” { float4 inputs:scale = (20, 20, 20, 1.0) }
Doing so gives off a reasonable amount of light to surrounding objects when viewed in NVIDIA’s USD Composer. This scale factor may need to be rescaled for other applications, and may need modification in the future depending on how the specification evolves. Also, note this scaling factor can be applied only to textures, not colors. USD Composer is used because it provides access to various global illumination renderers so can show the effect of emissive surfaces on the surround environment.
In the McUsd.usda file are some render settings at the top that are specific to NVIDIA’s USD Composer:
bool “rtx:indirectDiffuse:enabled” = 1 bool “rtx:raytracing:fractionalCutoutOpacity” = 1 token “rtx:rendermode” = “PathTracing” float3 “rtx:sceneDb:ambientLightColor” = (0, 0, 0)
The indirectDiffuse hint gives better lighting; in turn, the last line turns off USD Composer’s ambient lighting. Turning on the fractionalCutoffOpacity favors quality over speed for the USD Composer real-time renderer, providing better rendering for glass and other semitransparent objects. The rendermode hint asks for path tracing to be used on load.
In addition, the Camera uses:
custom vector3d omni:kit:centerOfInterest = (0, 0, -850)
to provide a hint to the user interface for where the camera should focus when rotating around the scene. The Euler angle order is ZXY, allowing roll along the Z (view) axis, pitch along the X (left/right) axis, and yaw along the Y (up) axis.
It is possible to build usdview from scratch, but NVIDIA’s Omniverse Launcher provides a pre-built version of the USDView application. Images shown were generated with USDView 0.23.2.
Load procedure to match camera: File -> Open and select McUsd.usda. Press F11 to toggle on the hierarchy view (if not already visible). Open the “root” by double-clicking on it. Select the “Camera” and right-click, then pick (at the bottom) “Set As Active Camera”.
Here is the rendering of McUsd in USDView, using NVIDIA’s prebuilt version 0.23.2:
As expected from a basic rasterizer, shadows, reflections, and emitted light from surfaces are not rendered. By default, USDView adds a light “at the eye”, which is shown in the rendering above. This additional light can be turned off via the viewport’s Lights -> Enable Default Camera Light. The DomeLight in McUsd appears to have no effect in USDView, neither to direct illumination nor as a background environment map.
Two test models are provided:
To see exact differences, perform a “diff” of the USDA files. USDZ versions of each model are also provided. The 10 cm version of the file is useful for XR applications, as this version of the model then easily fits inside a room by default.
Textures from the JG-RTX resource pack, which has the same Creative Commons license.
Email the author, Eric Haines, at
#usda 1.0
# USDA 1.0 file made by Mineways version 11.03,
# World: _Simple Material Test
# Terrain file name: C:\\Users\\ehaines\\Documents\\_documents\\Github\\Mineways\\x64\\Debug\\..\\..\\TileMaker\\TileMaker\\terrainExt_JG-RTX256.png
# Color scheme: Standard
# Thu Sep 7 17:57:32 2023
# Selection location min to max: 181, 3, -95 to 193, 319, -83
# Non-empty selection location min to max: 181, 3, -95 to 193, 5, -83
# Set render type: USD 1.0
# Units for the model vertex data itself: meters
# 476 vertices, 440 faces (880 triangles), 179 blocks, 7 billboards/bits
# block dimensions: X=13 by Y=4 (height) by Z=13 blocks
# Elevation shading: no
# Lighting: no
# Transparent water: no
# Map grid: no
# File type: Export individual textures to directory tex
# Texture output RGB: YES
# Texture output A: YES
# Texture output RGBA: YES
# Export individual blocks: no
# Custom material: no
# Export MDL: no
# Light scale: 30.000000
# Surface emit scale: 1000.000000
# Export lesser blocks: YES
# Fatten lesser blocks: no
# Simplify mesh: no
# Double all billboard faces: no
# Create composite overlay faces: no
# Center model: YES
# Use biomes: no
# Create block faces at the borders: YES
# Tree leaves solid: no
# Rotate model 0.000000 degrees
# Make Z the up direction instead of Y: no
# Scale model by making each block 1000 mm high
# Data operation options:
# Fill air bubbles: no; Seal off entrances: no; Fill in isolated tunnels in base of model: no
# Connect parts sharing an edge: no; Connect corner tips: no; Weld all shared edges: no
# Delete floating objects: trees and parts smaller than 16 blocks: no
# Hollow out bottom of model, making the walls 1000 mm thick: no; Superhollow: no
# Melt snow blocks: no
# Debug: show separate parts as colors: no
# Debug: show weld blocks in bright colors: no
# Full world path: C:\\Users\\Eric\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\saves\\_Simple Material Test
# Full terrainExt.png path: C:\\Users\\Eric\\Downloads\\mineways11.03\\mineways\\terrainExt_JG-RTX256.png
# Full current path: C:\\Users\\Eric\\mineways11.03\\mineways
customLayerData = {
dictionary cameraSettings = {
string boundCamera = "/McUsd/Camera"
# hints for NVIDIA's USD Composer's rendering system:
dictionary renderSettings = {
bool "rtx:raytracing:fractionalCutoutOpacity" = 1
token "rtx:rendermode" = "PathTracing"
float3 "rtx:sceneDb:ambientLightColor" = (0, 0, 0)
defaultPrim = "McUsd"
metersPerUnit = 0.01
upAxis = "Y"
def Xform "McUsd"
def Camera "Camera" (
hide_in_stage_window = false
no_delete = false
float4[] clippingPlanes = []
float2 clippingRange = (1, 10000000)
float focalLength = 18.147562
float focusDistance = 0
float fStop = 0
float horizontalAperture = 20.955
float horizontalApertureOffset = 0
custom vector3d omni:kit:centerOfInterest = (0, 0, -850)
token projection = "perspective"
uniform token purpose = "default"
double shutter:close = 0
double shutter:open = 0
uniform token stereoRole = "mono"
float verticalAperture = 15.2908
float verticalApertureOffset = 0
token visibility = "inherited"
float3 xformOp:rotateZXY = (-35, 45, 0)
float3 xformOp:scale = (1, 1, 1)
double3 xformOp:translate = (535, 535, 535)
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateZXY", "xformOp:scale"]
def Xform "Lights"
def DistantLight "Sun" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"]
kind = "model"
float inputs:angle = 1
# The meaning of "intensity" varies among applications; no intensity often helps the viewer pick a default it likes.
# This value is reasonable for USD Composer, for example, but not for other viewers:
# float inputs:intensity = 1560
float inputs:shaping:cone:angle = 180
float inputs:shaping:cone:softness
float inputs:shaping:focus
color3f inputs:shaping:focusTint
asset inputs:shaping:ies:file
double3 xformOp:rotateZXY = (235, 325, 0)
double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0)
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateZXY"]
def DomeLight "DomeLight" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["ShapingAPI"]
# The meaning of "intensity" varies among applications; no intensity often helps the viewer pick a default it likes.
# This value is reasonable for USD Composer, for example, but not for other viewers:
# float inputs:intensity = 312
float inputs:shaping:cone:angle = 180
float inputs:shaping:cone:softness
float inputs:shaping:focus
color3f inputs:shaping:focusTint
asset inputs:shaping:ies:file
asset inputs:texture:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/_domelight.png@
token inputs:texture:format = "latlong"
double3 xformOp:rotateZXY = (0, 0, 0)
double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0)
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateZXY"]
def Xform "Geom"
double3 xformOp:rotateXYZ = (0, 0, 0)
double3 xformOp:scale = (100, 100, 100)
double3 xformOp:translate = (0, 0, 0)
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate", "xformOp:rotateXYZ", "xformOp:scale"]
def Mesh "grass_block_top" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-6, 1, -6), (7, 1, 7)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,... (truncated)]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 0, 6, 7, 5, 4, 8, 9, 7, 6, 10, 11, 9, 8,... (truncated)]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top>
point3f[] points = [(-6, 1, -5), (-5, 1, -5), (-5, 1, -6), (-6, 1, -6), (-6, 1, -4), (-5... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1,... (truncated)]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "dirt" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-6, 0, -6), (7, 0, 7)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,... (truncated)]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 0, 6, 7, 5, 4, 8, 9, 7, 6, 10, 11, 9, 8,... (truncated)]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/dirt>
point3f[] points = [(-5, 0, -5), (-6, 0, -5), (-6, 0, -6), (-5, 0, -6), (-5, 0, -4), (-6... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, -1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1,... (truncated)]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "grass_block_side" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-6, 0, -6), (7, 1, 7)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,... (truncated)]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 2, 6, 8, 9, 7, 8, 10, 11, 9,... (truncated)]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side>
point3f[] points = [(-6, 0, -6), (-6, 0, -5), (-6, 1, -5), (-6, 1, -6), (-5, 0, -6), (-5... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3,... (truncated)]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "iron_block" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(0, 1, -2), (1, 2, -1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block>
point3f[] points = [(0, 1, -2), (0, 1, -1), (0, 2, -1), (0, 2, -2), (1, 1, -2), (1, 2, -... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] ... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "gold_block" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(2, 1, -2), (3, 2, -1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block>
point3f[] points = [(2, 1, -2), (2, 1, -1), (2, 2, -1), (2, 2, -2), (3, 1, -2), (3, 2, -... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] ... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "diamond_block" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 1, -2), (-1, 2, -1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 1, -2), (-2, 1, -1), (-2, 2, -1), (-2, 2, -2), (-1, 1, -2), (-1... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] ... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "fern" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(2.12577, 1, -0.934814), (3.03202, 2, -0.028564)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/fern>
point3f[] points = [(2.12577, 1, -0.934814), (3.03202, 1, -0.0285645), (3.03202, 2, -0.0... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-0.707107, 0, 0.707107), (0.707107, 0, 0.707107)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "piston_top" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 2, 0), (-1, 2, 1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 2, 1), (-1, 2, 1), (-1, 2, 0), (-2, 2, 0)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "piston_side" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 1, 0), (-1, 2, 1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 1, 0), (-2, 1, 1), (-2, 2, 1), (-2, 2, 0), (-1, 1, 0), (-1, 2, ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "rail_corner" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(-1, 1.0625, 1), (0, 1.0625, 2)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner>
point3f[] points = [(-1, 1.0625, 1), (-1, 1.0625, 2), (0, 1.0625, 2), (0, 1.0625, 1)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "rail" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(-1, 1.0625, 2), (0, 1.0625, 3)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/rail>
point3f[] points = [(-1, 1.0625, 3), (0, 1.0625, 3), (0, 1.0625, 2), (-1, 1.0625, 2)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "powered_rail" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(-2, 1.0625, 1), (-1, 1.0625, 2)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 1.0625, 1), (-2, 1.0625, 2), (-1, 1.0625, 2), (-1, 1.0625, 1)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "lava_still" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(0, 0, 0), (2, 1.746032, 1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still>
point3f[] points = [(0, 1.69841, 1), (1, 1.74603, 1), (1, 1.74603, 0), (0, 1.69841, 0), ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-0.0475652, 0.998868, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0.463446, 0.88476... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "chiseled_quartz_block_top" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 3, 2), (-1, 3, 3)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 3, 3), (-1, 3, 3), (-1, 3, 2), (-2, 3, 2)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0, 1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "chiseled_quartz_block" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 2, 2), (-1, 3, 3)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 2, 2), (-2, 2, 3), (-2, 3, 3), (-2, 3, 2), (-1, 2, 2), (-1, 3, ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "quartz_pillar" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(-2, 1, 2), (-1, 2, 3)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar>
point3f[] points = [(-2, 1, 2), (-2, 1, 3), (-2, 2, 3), (-2, 2, 2), (-1, 1, 2), (-1, 2, ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "sunflower_back" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(2.536144, 2.054085, 2.064179), (2.878164, 2.993778, 3.064179)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back>
point3f[] points = [(2.53614, 2.99378, 3.06418), (2.53614, 2.99378, 2.06418), (2.87816, ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-0.939693, -0.34202, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "sunflower_front" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(2.542019, 2.056223, 2.064179), (2.884039, 2.995915, 3.064179)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front>
point3f[] points = [(2.54202, 2.99592, 2.06418), (2.54202, 2.99592, 3.06418), (2.88404, ... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(0.939693, 0.34202, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "sunflower_bottom" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(2.144466, 1, 2.098555), (3.050716, 2, 3.004805)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom>
point3f[] points = [(2.14447, 1, 2.09855), (3.05072, 1, 3.0048), (3.05072, 2, 3.0048), (... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-0.707107, 0, 0.707107), (0.707107, 0, 0.707107)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "sunflower_top" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(2.144466, 2, 2.098555), (3.050716, 3, 3.004805)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top>
point3f[] points = [(2.14447, 2, 2.09855), (3.05072, 2, 3.0048), (3.05072, 3, 3.0048), (... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-0.707107, 0, 0.707107), (0.707107, 0, 0.707107)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "purple_stained_glass" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
bool doubleSided = 1
float3[] extent = [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass>
point3f[] points = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), (0, 2, 3), (0, 2, 2), (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 2), (1... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] ... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "prismarine" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(2, 1, 1), (3, 2, 2)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 7, 2]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine>
point3f[] points = [(2, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), (2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (3... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] ... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Mesh "lava_flow" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
float3[] extent = [(0, 1, 0), (2, 1.746032, 1)]
int[] faceVertexCounts = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 2, 8, 4, 5, 9, 10, 8, 9, 11,... (truncated)]
rel material:binding = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow>
point3f[] points = [(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1.69841, 1), (0, 1.69841, 0), (1, 1, 0), (... (truncated)]
normal3f[] primvars:normals = [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:normals:indices = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, ... (truncated)]
texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 0.699219), (0, 0.699219), (0, 0.746094),... (truncated)]
interpolation = "faceVarying"
int[] primvars:st:indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 4, 0, 1, 5, 3, 0, 1, 5, 6, 0, 1, 7, 8,... (truncated)]
uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"
def Scope "Looks" (
kind = "model"
def Material "grass_block_top"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_top_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_top_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_top_y.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "dirt"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/dirt_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/dirt_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/dirt.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/dirt/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "grass_block_side"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_side_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_side_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/grass_block_side_y.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/grass_block_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "iron_block"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.933333, 0.933333, 0.933333)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/iron_block_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/iron_block_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/iron_block_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/iron_block.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/iron_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "gold_block"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.996078, 0.968627, 0.305882)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/gold_block_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/gold_block_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/gold_block_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/gold_block.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/gold_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "diamond_block"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.498039, 0.890196, 0.87451)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/diamond_block_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/diamond_block_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/diamond_block_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/diamond_block.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/diamond_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "fern"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/fern/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/fern/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/fern/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness = 1
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/fern_y.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/fern/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "piston_top"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.584314, 0.466667, 0.294118)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_top_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_top_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_top_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_top.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "piston_side"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.584314, 0.466667, 0.294118)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_side_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_side_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/piston_side.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/piston_side/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "rail_corner"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.407843, 0.407843, 0.407843)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_corner_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_corner_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_corner_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_corner.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail_corner/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "rail"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.407843, 0.407843, 0.407843)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/rail.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "powered_rail"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.670588, 0.0117647, 0.00392157)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/powered_rail_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/powered_rail_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/powered_rail_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/powered_rail.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/powered_rail/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "lava_still"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.960784, 0.427451, 0)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
color3f inputs:emissiveColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still/emissive_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness = 0.752941
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/lava_still.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "emissive_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/lava_still_e.png@
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_still/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "chiseled_quartz_block_top"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.878431, 0.866667, 0.843137)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_top_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_top_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_top.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "chiseled_quartz_block"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.878431, 0.866667, 0.843137)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/chiseled_quartz_block.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/chiseled_quartz_block/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "quartz_pillar"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.878431, 0.866667, 0.843137)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/quartz_pillar_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/quartz_pillar_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/quartz_pillar.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/quartz_pillar/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "sunflower_back"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_back_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_back_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_back.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_back/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "sunflower_front"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_front_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_front_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_front.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_front/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "sunflower_bottom"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_bottom_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_bottom_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_bottom.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_bottom/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "sunflower_top"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.54902, 0.741176, 0.341176)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0.5
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_top_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_top_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/sunflower_top.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/sunflower_top/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "clamp"
token inputs:wrapT = "clamp"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "purple_stained_glass"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.937255, 0.937255, 0.937255)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:ior = 1.52
float inputs:metallic.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/metallic_texture.outputs:r>
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/diffuse_texture.outputs:a>
float inputs:opacityThreshold = 0
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/purple_stained_glass_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/purple_stained_glass_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "metallic_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/purple_stained_glass_m.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/purple_stained_glass.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/purple_stained_glass/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:a
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "prismarine"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.4, 0.678431, 0.631373)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/roughness_texture.outputs:r>
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "roughness_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/prismarine_r.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float outputs:r
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/prismarine_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/prismarine.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/prismarine/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Material "lava_flow"
token outputs:surface.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/PreviewSurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "PreviewSurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0.960784, 0.427451, 0)
color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/diffuse_texture.outputs:rgb>
color3f inputs:emissiveColor.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/emissive_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:metallic = 0
float3 inputs:normal.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/normal_texture.outputs:rgb>
float inputs:opacity = 1
float inputs:roughness = 0.74902
int inputs:useSpecularWorkflow = 0
token outputs:surface
def Shader "uv_reader"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
float2 inputs:fallback = (0, 0)
token inputs:varname = "st"
float2 outputs:result
def Shader "normal_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
float4 inputs:bias = (-1, 1, -1, -1)
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/lava_flow_n.png@
float4 inputs:scale = (2, -2, 2, 2)
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "diffuse_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/lava_flow.png@
token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
def Shader "emissive_texture"
uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
asset inputs:file = @./McUsd_materials/tex/lava_flow_e.png@
float2 inputs:st.connect = </McUsd/Looks/lava_flow/uv_reader.outputs:result>
token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
float3 outputs:rgb
} # close McUsd Xform
# USDZ File Hierarchy
- McUsd.usda (114.15 KB)
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